General Hospital Recap: Wednesday, July 12 – Anna Confronts Shocking Stalker – Sasha’s Shoplifting Drama – Cody Busted

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Wednesday, July 12, reveals that Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) interrupted Brook Lynn Quartermaine’s (Amanda Setton) hush-hush meeting with Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) and grilled them until Brook Lynn finally confessed a big secret.
Brook Lynn admitted that Tracy pushed her to work at Deception again and had leverage since she did a favor concerning Chase.
After Brook Lynn admitted Tracy helped get Chase’s badge back, Tracy said all she did was get the board back in the room.
They made their decision based on the case that Chase presented, so Tracy said that was all him.
Chase got a work call and had to go deal with it, but he warned Brook Lynn that this wasn’t over.
However, Chase pulled Brook Lynn into a kiss before he left – seemingly as a way to let her know this wasn’t enough to tear them apart.
Once Chase dashed off, Tracy reminded Brook Lynn that she still had to help her.
Brook Lynn had committed corporate espionage, so Tracy asked what her pious policeman would think of that.
At the gatehouse, Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) hated to disappoint Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) since they weren’t allowed to make love at this stage of her recovery.
Michael assured Willow that it was fine and was just happy to have her home again.
At The Savoy, Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) and Dr. Damon Montague (Darin Toonder) celebrated since they’d been on a hot streak playing poker all night.
Selina Wu (Lydia Look) offered up some celebratory Champagne and played nice, but she turned menacing with Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) since he’d suddenly become a lousy ringer.
Cody acted like he understood if Selina no longer wished to retain his services, but she suspected he was trying to get fired.
Selina got proof that Cody was throwing games since he’d marked cards and had a white marker in his boot, so she was furious over the news.
At the bar, Gladys sought confirmation that Sasha Gilmore’s (Sofia Mattsson) new drug regimen wasn’t dangerous.
Dr. Montague insisted it was harmless, but it would affect Sasha’s behavior in noticeable ways when it was mixed with Sasha’s antidepressant.
Meanwhile, Sasha talked to Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) about revamping her look and becoming Sasha 2.0 now that her guardianship was ending.
To celebrate Willow’s homecoming, Sasha had some stuff sent over to Crimson for her as well.
When Sasha showed Maxie one blouse in particular, Maxie marveled over how expensive it was. Sasha was happy to do something nice for Willow, but Maxie seemed unsettled by her over-the-top enthusiasm.
After Sasha talked about the new regimen she was on and how it had revolutionized her life, Maxie wondered what her doctor prescribed.
Sasha claimed she meant meditation, but she secretly popped another pill while Maxie was on the phone.
In Pine Valley, Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) posed as Lucy Coe’s (Lynn Herring) sister at Jackson Montgomery’s (Walt Willey) law office.
The goal was for Felicia to do some digging and find out what Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight) was hiding.
“Lucy Martin” claimed her husband was deceased and that he’d lived in Pennsylvania with his other family for a while, so she needed help with his estate.
Lucy also had a complicated coffee order, so Jackson sent his assistant off to a nearby coffee shop.
With the assistant gone and Jackson occupied with Lucy, that gave Felicia a chance to snoop through the filing cabinet.
Although Felicia didn’t find what she was looking for, she eventually noticed the safe and thought the file she was after must be in there.
Lucy wound up making a date with Jackson for 8:00 p.m., which Felicia thought was both risky and helpful since she could break in the safe while the attorney was busy.
Back in Port Charles, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) got her hands on a keycard and went past the crime scene tape on the room the sniper used.
While Anna was investigating, she heard someone and whacked them before she could see who it was.
It turned out to be Martin, who had been following Anna since Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) was concerned about her.
That led to Martin picking Anna’s brain about the sudden chill and distance in his relationship with Lucy.
Anna quickly figured out that it was because Lucy and Martin weren’t on the same page about marriage.
Since Anna had previously blackmailed Martin over his past, she also knew that his third ex-wife was extremely wealthy.
That meant Martin would lose his hefty alimony payments if he married again.
Although Martin claimed he hated to commit and fail again, Anna thought there was more to the story.
Martin could either marry Lucy or ride the gravy train, so she thought he couldn’t tell Lucy that he’d already made his choice.
Back at the gatehouse, Sasha put a mask on for her visit with Willow and once again seemed overly enthusiastic.
Willow was thrown when Sasha suggested hugging the air since they couldn’t hug each other right now.
Sasha also offered up the new clothes, including the blouse that she showed Maxie earlier.
Willow noticed that there was a security tag still attached, so Sasha was surprised and said she’d have to get that removed at the store.
Moments later, Chase showed up and shocked Sasha by announcing that she was under arrest.
General Hospital spoilers say Sasha’s legal crisis will come with some other curveballs, so stick with us for updates on all the mayhem headed her way.
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