General Hospital: The Real Nik Captor REVEALED, Anna Is SHOCKED

The thrill factor on General Hospital is currently on an all time high! All major storylines involving love, passion, mystery and crime are at the verge of colliding into a massive explosion! While from far all the ongoing storylines look like separate plots, it might not actually be the case. The closer you come the more you will see the interconnections! Starting from the Metro Court shooting to Sonny’s secret enemy to Nik’s current location. It all boils down to one person! But who is that? Well we may have found the answer! Keep scrolling to find out!
Anna and Sonny’s Brainstorming Brings Forth Shocking Revelation
Ever since Dante pointed out that either Anna or Sonny were the real targets of the Metro Court shootout, the two have been bouncing theories on General Hospital. Recently, Sonny wagered that whoever this assassin was, perhaps he had connections with WSB. Anna’s double agent history rubbed many WSB agents the wrong way. Thus, it really won’t be surprising if one of them wanted to gum her down. During the conversation, Sonny also spilled some details about Pikeman, which caught Anna’s attention.
General Hospital viewers as well as Anna know that Valentin Cassadine has had connection with Pikeman in the past. However, Anna didn’t think he was still in that game. But something that Anna found out during her conversation with Sonny wasn’t fitting. Thus she decided to confront Valentin for the real ad the whole truth. But here’s the thing, if Valentin really is still involved in shady activities, we doubt he is going to come clean at this point. In fact, we have a nagging feeling that he has his hands in more than just Pikeman. Keep reading to find out!
Valentin Is The One Pulling The Strings On General Hospital?
In a recent General Hospital episode, Spencer had a heart warming conversation with Valentin, post his return from Chechnya. Spencer thanked him for stepping up in Greenland. As Victor would have tested the pathogen on Trina if it wasn’t for Valentin’s offer. Valentin then took the opportunity to tell Spencer that with Victor and Nikolas gone, they have the rare chance to reinvent the Cassadine Clan. Spencer then agreed with Valentin and told him that he would walk the straight and narrow if he will!
Something was so off about Valentin in that conversation on General Hospital. He looked as if he was holding off far more than what he was saying. Long time viewers would remember that Valentin was actually introduced as the darkest of all Cassadines. What if he is actually drifting back to his dark side? Maybe he never ended his Pikeman ties, for all we know he could be Pikeman all by himself! He surely has the wits and grits for it!
Moreover, the way he name dropped Nik sounded so eery! What if he also is the one pulling Mason’s strings? Valentin could very well be holding Nik alive as some sort of leverage he could use against Laura or even Spencer! And coming back to the shoot out, maybe the WSB angle is a red herring! It is totally plausible for Valentin to have Sonny on his target! If this speculative twist comes true, the whole chess board will flip on GH! What do you say? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more General Hospital updates.