5 Most Annoying Things About Blue Bloods Even Fans Hate

Even the beloved show can have something that will just piss you off.
There’s no doubt that Blue Bloods is one of the most successful police procedurals on television. And now, as we wait for season 14 to be released, there’s plenty of time to binge-watch the show and remember its best moments.
But with that said, there’s no way that even the most beloved show is absolutely flawless when it comes to its storylines and overall narrative. So here are five of the most annoying traits that fans would love to lose in the next season.
1. No mystery
Though it is easy to guess what a police procedural would be about, fans of Blue Bloods still accuse the show’s writers of low effort when they come up with the show’s storylines.
It seems like the same things happen from episode to episode, but with different names and details. Even the criminals the Reagan family deals with use the same methods and are defeated with the help of particular techniques.
2. Self-righteousness
It’s one thing to be right about something from time to time, but nobody likes a Mary Sue. Danny Reagan is a person like that in the Reagans family. His moral compass seems to be never broken, but turns out it’s not something he should be proud of.
A person like that simply doesn’t exist in the real world, so making him be in the wrong even sometimes would be for the best.
3. Racial stereotypes
The way the show handles this sensitive issue angered many fans. Not once was it mentioned that, for example, the portrayal of African-Americans in the show is far from positive. There are also many times when members of the Reagan family racially profile suspects or witnesses. A lot of fans complain that you can hardly find a Black character on the show who is not a criminal.
4. Rule-breaking cops
Well, it’s quite predictable that a police show wouldn’t be about cops sitting around in the office doing paperwork. But sometimes the series went too far in the attempt to spice things up, and fans are just not buying it.
The constant rule-breaking, even if they only do it to catch criminals, just makes the characters look bad. Extreme measures are not always necessary in a real cop’s life.
5. Forced humor
Humor is a perfect way to balance the heavy subject matter that police procedurals often tackle. However, many fans feel that the Reagan family’s attempts at humor often miss the mark. Especially when the character put there for comedic relief is Danny… His jokes sometimes not only make no sense, but are so awkward they make you cringe.