General Hospital Recaps: Drew is Beaten in Prison, Molly and TJ’s Surrogate is Pregnant, and Trina Delays Leaving with Spencer
Fri Sept 22 GH recap: Carly tells Diane she won’t sacrifice Sonny for Drew, Spencer tries to pull Trina away from homework, and Kristina chats with Blaze.

Thursday’s GH recap: Willow got Sam Sasha’s toxicology report, and Olivia and Anna searched for the missing footage.
At General Hospital, Curtis wheels over to the nurses’ station and surprises Portia.
She was about to head home. He has a follow-up appointment and wanted to catch her.

They need to talk about their daughter.
He explains that Trina told him she was going on a trip…with Spencer.
He’s sorry if this upsets her. She plays it cool. That’s not what he expected.

The doctor admits she’s not thrilled, but what is she supposed to do?
She’s learned not to pressure their daughter.

He wheels off to his check-up.
Esme arrives with Ace and chats with Portia, who says he’s a happy baby.
Esme says Spencer has been a great help.

She’s been surprised by how good Portia has been to her considering the awful things she did to her daughter.
Portia says she’s a different person now and that’s the person she’s reacting to.
That means a lot to Esme.

The doctor was a young mom too and know how hard it can be.
Curtis returns as Esme departs. His check-up was fine.
She thanks him for filling her in on Trina’s trip.

Jordan steps off an elevator and TJ rushes over to hug her and then starts babbling about how busy he will be with research.
She reminds him he’ll be even busier when the baby arrives.

He claims he’s prepared for all that and everything will take a backseat to the baby.
They’ll know if the IVF took in a few days. It’s not easy to wait.

He tries not to think about this coming true and worries they might not be ready.
His mom assures him no one knows what to do the first time around.
He worries about failing but his mom says it’s on the job training.
She knows she barely raised him, but he’s an amazing person.

He thinks she’s an amazing mom and will be an incredible grandma.
They laugh about that.
Alexis meets Molly at the court house.
The lawyer just lost a case. Alexis says it can’t be her fault because she’s perfect.

Molly gets a call from Andrea, who needs to meet with her.
She’s on the way over. This makes Molly panic.

Her mom tries to calm her down and offers to wait with her.
They sit and Alexis texts the office to say she will be late.
Molly and her mom talk about Gregory until Andea arrives.

Molly starts babbling until Andrea stops her to announce she’s pregnant.
The doctor should confirm but that’s what the home test says.
They hug. This is thrilling for both of them.

Molly wonders whether she should call TJ or wait until tonight.
Before they rush off to celebrate, Alexis reminds her daughter not to get ahead of herself.
They hug. Alexis asks if she can tell her sisters the news.
It would give her something to talk to Kristina about.
Once Molly is gone, Alexis calls Gregory to say she’s in too good a mood to go to work.
She suggests they cross off something on his bucket list.

They attack Drew. He pushes one off and the other starts to choke him.
He pushes that one off and the other gets up.

They overpower Drew and beat him to a pulp and then leave him to bleed in the water.

Eventually, Cyrus wanders in and finds him.
He calls for a guard and tells them Drew needs to go to the hospital because he’s barely breathing.

Carly and Diane meet at her house to discuss what she’s learned about the judge who sentenced Drew.
The lawyer explains that he has big career ambitions and needs some friends in the DOJ.

Carly guesses the harsh sentence was to have something to bargain with to get information on Sonny.
Diane says there’s no proof of this; it’s only speculation.

Carly says no deal with the Feds is an option.
Not even if it means saving Drew. “Thatta girl,” says Diane.
Although Carly hates this is happening to Drew because of her, this is about keeping her kids safe.
Diane is sure that Drew knew what he was getting involved with and tells her not to blame herself.

The lawyer will keep trying but there’s not much to go on to get the judge’s sentence overturned.
She gets a call and is informed of Drew’s attack.
She tells Carly it was very bad and he’s in an ambulance on the way to General Hospital.

In her dorm room, Trina is working on an assignment when Spencer interrupts.
She claims she’s too busy for him. He pouts. She chuckles.

He reminds her she wanted some work-life balance and says she has plenty of time for some fun.
They kiss.

Moving away from him, she says he’s distracting her.
He’s sure that she will have time to finish her paper when she gets back from their trip.

She insists she has to finish it before they go or she will be thinking about it all weekend.
He tells her she has no idea of what he has planned for her.
Trina leads him to the door.
Before he goes, he explains he got them tickets to Moulin Rouge.
That excites her.

Spencer suggests they just pack and get out of there.
She repeats that she’s not packing until she finishes her essay and he needs to leave.
He guesses the essay is finished and she just needs to proofread it.
She laughs and tells him he needs to go.
Ushering him out, she gives him a kiss. He says that’s the last thing she should have done.
Trina won’t kiss him again unless he goes.

Blaze blows into Charlie’s. Kristina is startled to see her. She loves her music and says her song is on all her playlists.

Kristina brings her to the bar and Blaze says she’s only there for a business meeting.

They chat about her looking for new management and how she needs control over her career.
Kristina tells her that she sings too and has hidden talents.

Kristina gets a call and has to step away.
Blaze looks up her performance at the Nurses’ Ball and then tells Kristina how good it was.