Perkie’s Observations: Valentin and Laura Continue the Search for Nikolas on General Hospital
General Hospital Recap for July 28, 2023

On today’s General Hospital recap: Nina calls Sonny to complain about Michael when Ava barges in. She’s there to complain that new nanny Betty is hanging out with Avery. Sonny says Betty is their best bet to lead them to whomever is giving the orders. Sonny says he’s taking care of it and Ava needs to trust him.
Betty and Avery are at the pool where Josslyn runs into them. Avery introduces Betty as her new nanny. Josslyn introduces herself as Avery’s sister, but Betty is not accepting that. Avery says she is her big sister and Josslyn gets snarky with Betty.
After they leave, Josslyn is determined to call Sonny and give him hell for hiring Betty, but Trina stops her. She says she spotted Dex watching Avery and Betty and thinks something else is going on.
Trina tells Josslyn she’s keeping her distance from Spencer so as not to give Portia any extra stress right now. Josslyn says if Trina needs support she should reach out to Spencer.
In the Cassadine house in Chechnya, Valentin and Laura are confronted by a man with a gun who says they’re trespassing. They tell him they’re looking for Nikolas but the man tells them the Cassadines are evil and to stay away from them.
Laura says she’s Nikolas’ mother, he disappeared five months ago and she’s worried about him. The man apologizes but says he can’t help them and asks them to leave. Laura tells Valentin she thinks Nikolas isn’t hiding but was taken.
Charlotte (Scarlet Fernandez is back woohoo!!) and Dante pay Lulu a visit, but Charlotte is worried about Laura and her mother. The two sit and talk to Lulu, and Charlotte begs her mother to wake up and come back to them.
Esme’s worried about Laura since they haven’t heard from her, but Spencer says to leave it alone. Spencer apologizes for snapping and admits he’s worried about Trina because he doesn’t know how to help her. Spencer tells Esme Portia doesn’t like him. Trina shows up, saying she missed him and they hug.
Trina tells Spencer that she’s worried about Curtis and doesn’t know what to do to help her mother. Spencer tells her to stay away from him but she says he gives her strength to hang on. Spencer says Portia doesn’t want him around so Trina agrees to keep things low key for now.
Kristina heads over to see Molly with her childhood plushy in hand to make her feel better. Kristina apologizes and is thankful Molly has been supportive of her. Molly says she’s sorry she wasn’t there when Kristina was being abused by Keifer. Kristina says working with abused teens has been bringing back those memories.
Kristina admits she’s never been able to get her life back on track since that time. Molly says Kristina will make a difference at the youth center, but Kristina wonders if she’ll be able to give them the help they need. Molly tells her to take some classes or talk to professionals who have done this work before. Molly says she believes in Kristina.
Carly storms into Michael’s office (no really, Michael was at work) to discuss Sonny. Carly asks about Dex and Michael tells her he found a dead body and Sonny told him to call the police. (I love how everyone is SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELL YA, that Sonny wants the police called). Michael admits he still cares for Sonny, which makes Carly happy.
Nina asks Michael if they can make peace for Willow’s sake. She says she and Willow got along famously while he was outside, which means they communicate better when he’s not there. Nina wants to know if Michael is willing to let her have a relationship with Willow. Michael says he’ll support Willow in whatever decision she makes. Nina pushes for a second chance as Kristina walks in. Kristina wonders why Michael is such a tool to Nina.
Josslyn asks Dex why he was watching Avery and the new nanny so he explains it was on Sonny’s orders. Josslyn says she has a right to know why, but Dex doesn’t have any details.
Betty brings Avery to Sonny’s restaurant to drop her off and he says she can have the rest of the day off. Carly shows up because Sonny summoned her to pick up Avery, which is news to Ava. Carly heads off with Avery and Ava begs Sonny not to tell Calry about Nikolas. Sonny pays Ava no mind and just wants Betty to lead them to whomever is behind this situation.