These Blue Bloods Characters Rarely Interact And You Probably Never Noticed

Blue Bloods is one of the most popular shows on CBS. Throughout its ten-season run, this criminally underrated series has offered fans numerous unforgettable stories. Viewers have gotten to see the members of the Reagan family grow along the way, and the show has also tracked the journeys of characters that aren’t in the family. Because the show focuses on the Reagans, the members of this group tend to interact with each other the most, but some members of the family rarely cross paths with each other. Though they all meet up at family dinners on Sunday, they don’t spend a lot of time together individually.
Remarkably, the show has maintained some of the same pairings throughout its ten seasons. Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) typically interacts with his partner, Detective Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez). Some fans might be surprised to know that he interacts more with her than some members of his own family. These groupings, or lack thereof, have subtly directed the storytelling in the show. So while it’s hard to believe, some of the main characters hardly saw each other throughout ten seasons of production.
Danny and Jamie never get to work together
Danny has always been one of the main characters on Blue Bloods. He frequently crosses paths with Erin Reagan-Boyle (Bridget Moynahan) and several other Blue Bloods mainstays, but in an interview with PopCulture Wahlberg pointed out that, although they’re members of the same family on the show, he doesn’t frequently get to work with Will Estes, who plays Jamie Reagan. “You look around and three years have passed and you’ve only done one scene with somebody and it’s kind of like, how did that happen? But hopefully we’ll keep going,” said Wahlberg. Some fans worried the show would end after season 10, but it’s coming back for season 11, so hopefully Danny and Jamie will interact more closely than their occasional conversations at those memorable Sunday dinner scenes.
Wahlberg also named Abigail Baker (Abigail Hawk) as another character he wants to work with. He shared that he’s been hoping to collaborate with Baker since the episode he directed, “Manhattan Queens,” gave her character the spotlight. “Her character’s first big storyline was in the episode that I directed,” said Wahlberg. “She also brings the best chocolate chip cookies around at all the holidays. She makes these amazing cookies.”
Looks like maybe there’s an ulterior motive to be on set with Hawk.
Abigail wants to team up with everyone
Wahlberg isn’t the only member of the cast who wants to participate in some fresh character match-ups. As the primary aide to Commissioner Frank Regan (Tom Selleck), Hawk tends to work with him more than anyone. Other than her direct coworkers, Abigail doesn’t tend to interact with most Blue Bloods characters. In her own interview with PopCulture, Hawk expressed some disappointment that she hasn’t gotten to work with Wahlberg. “Everybody’s like, ‘What’s it like working with Donnie?’ And I [have] never seen him,” said Hawk.
Hawk confirmed that Wahlberg likes her Christmas cookies, but she doesn’t get to spend time with him otherwise. In the interview, she emphasized that she hopes to work with both Wahlberg and Ramirez. Given that all three of them work for the New York City Police Department, a team-up of this trio isn’t hard to envision.
Hawk also pitched the idea of a collaboration between Abigail, Maria and Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray.) “I mean, that would be a dream, an absolute dream to get those two,” Hawk said.
With just these few sentences, Hawk left many fans eagerly hoping to see the show’s three most important non-Reagan women join forces.